Our Core Vision and Values


To be the industry standard in making life’s journey more financially predictable.


To mobilize a talented team to engage intensely, reliably, transparently, and innovatively; driving profitable results.


Values are easy to write down, but hard to live up to. Our team comes to work every day ready to meet the challenge of living up to our values by ensuring they direct our behaviors with each other, our clients and customers.


We keep our promises and do what we say we’re going to do. We depend on our teammates, support them when needed, and always assume positive intent.



We treat others with genuine care, trust, honesty and respect. We value differences and communicate openly to make a meaningful difference in each other’s life and work.



We are ethically unyielding and honest, taking accountability for our own behaviors, actions and results, holding each other responsible to do the same.



We are innovative in seeking out more effective and efficient ways to accomplish our work, providing higher value to our customers, and we willingly and quickly embrace change necessary to do so.



We execute with aligned focus and have an unrelenting drive to deliver quality results to our customers.

EFG Values
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