EFG’s Top Performer Profile

In a recent survey of automobile dealers across the United States:

  • 65% of respondents said recruiting and hiring high-quality people was their number one challenge
  • Many said that personnel-related tasks are more challenging than increasing store traffic and deal close rates, increasing the utilization of their service departments and maximizing their return on advertising expenditures


Top Performer Traits

Researchers have identified profiles based on four categories of behavioral traits for individuals:

  • Dominance – The Take Charge Trait
  • Extroversion – The People Trait
  • Pace – The Patience Trait
  • Conformity – The Systems Trait

Think of these traits as a person’s primary strength(s). Knowing a person’s profile enables us to place them in environments and job roles where they can excel. A person with a High Conformity trait likes clear directions, is very good with details, and often specializes in work that requires precision, accuracy and follow-through. Whereas a person that is outgoing and people-oriented (High Extroversion trait) is personable and interested in team building.

Work Styles

In addition to behavior traits, researchers have also identified other characteristics of a person’s “work style”. For example, how they make decisions, interact with others, accomplish tasks and their energy level. By understanding a person’s behavioral strengths and their work style, we’ve found that we can dramatically increase our chances of placing people in jobs where they will succeed.

The Top Performer Profile

Using tools to create these profiles with 96% accuracy, EFG Companies has created Top Performer Profiles from the automotive industry’s most successful F&I Managers, covering the spectrum in terms of franchises and dealership size. For example, the table below outlines the criteria used to select F&I Top Performers.

F&I Criteria

  • 3 Years’ Experience
  • $1,100 Profit per Unit
  • $1,600 Finance per Unit
  • 1.5 Years with Dealer

Each group of profiles was compiled into a composite job model to create the EFG Top Performer Profile. The profile:

  • Enables EFG to recruit, hire and retain employees that have profiles similar to the industry’s best performers
  • Dramatically increases the quality of new hires and reduces turnover
  • Penetrates beyond the candidate’s interview skills and determines how they will actually perform on the job
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